Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Zudacomics.com holds a competition every month that allows ten 8paged comics to be voted on by the website members (anyone can join btw), if you win you get commissioned to turn your submission into a full out book. but even if you just get selected to be a finalists (one of the ten) then u still get 500 bucks. i thought this would be a great opportunity to put money in my empty pockets and work on a atory i had in mind for a while now. Unfortunately, i figured this all out way too late.

I started working on this last week tuesday and had to get all 8 pages done (penciled, inked, colored, worded) by moneyday(yesterday). i thought i had enough time, but as it turned out, i was also going out of town on saturday taking me away from my computer, scanner, and wacom tablet and leaving me with only 4 days to get it all done. I thought i could do that too but on top of cleaning up the house getting ready to leave and taking care of my brothers that just did NOT happen.

But i'm kinda glad i couldnt. I mean i wanted to get it all done but its better i have a whole month to get it done in great quality for next time and possibly make it in as supposed to having 4 days to rush it and throw whatever crap i can together and probably not make it in. so i have time to turn it in for next month, but now i'll show you what i got so far. I managed to fully color 4 pages, no text has been added yet, but hopefully the imagery will get ya excited for whats to come:

All images ©sketchmasterskillz 2009

All images ©sketchmasterskillz 2009

All images ©sketchmasterskillz 2009

All images ©sketchmasterskillz 2009

All images ©sketchmasterskillz 2009

That's all i can show you for now, get your fill because i dont think i'm gonna keep these up forever. hope you all are lookin forward to this as much as i am.
